
Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

serba serbi urea granule.



Pabrik urea direncanakan untk memproduksi sebanyak 1725 ton urea granule tiap hari dalam  satu train.
Proses dasar adalah proses ACES.
Proses ini mempunyai beberapa kemudahan dan keuntungan, effisiensi energi yang tinggi, murah ongkos pembangunannya, mudah untuk mengoperasikan, harganya murah dan memberi hasil produksi yang tinggi.

1.       Kondisi Bahan Baku Dan Bahan Pembantu
a.    Ammonia Cair
-       Karakteristik                          Ammonia cair
-       Ammonia content                   99,9 % berat, minimum
-       Kadar air                         0,1 % berat, minimum
-       Minyak                           5 ppm, maksimum
-       Tekanan                          25 kg / cm2 G
-       Temperatur                              200C min/ 380C maks

b.  Gas Carbon Dioksida
-       Karakteristik                          Gas Carbon Dioksida
-                     Kompsisi ( dry basis )
·                   Carbon Diosida                99 % ( by vol ), minimum
·                   Total sulfur                     0,8 ppm, maksimum
-       Tekanan                          0,8 kg/cm2 G, min
-       Temperatur                              40 0C, maks

c.  Steam
-       Tekanan                          42 kg/cm2 G
-       Temperatur                              3800C
-       Tekanan                          5 kg/cm2 G
-       Temperatur                              1580C

d. Filter water
-       PH                                   6,5 - 7,5

-       Turbidity                        3 ppm

-       Calcium Hardness                  50 ppm CaCo3, maksimum
-       Residual Clorine                     0,5 ppm, maksimum
-       Tekanan                          3,5 kg / cm2 G
-       Temperatur                              Ambient

e.   Potable Water
-       Turbidity                        4 ppm
-       Clorine                            0,2 – 0,5 ppm
-       Tekanan                          3,0 kg / cm2 G
-       Temperatur                              Ambient

f.  Tenaga Listrik
-       Tipe                                  AC, 3 phase, 3 wire system
                -       Tegangan                        13,8 KV
-       Fluktuasi tegangan                        ± 3,5 % dari 13,8 KV
-       Frequensi                                50 cycle / detik.
-       Fluktuasi frequensi                        ± 3 % dari 50 c / s
-       Short circuit capacity             20 KA pada 13,8 KV

g.    Udara Instrumen
                        -       Karakteristik          Bebas minyak, debu & kering
-       Dew point                         - 40 0C
-       Tekanan                          7 kg / cm2 G
-       Temperatur                              40 0C

h. Gas Nitrogen
-       O2 content                               300 ppm, maksimum
-       Tekanan                          7 kg / cm2 G
-       Temperatur                              10 0C

1.1          Garansi dan Performance


Pabrik Urea-2 PT. Pupuk Iskandar Muda diberi garansi berkaitan dengan kapasitas produksi, kwalitas produksi dan pemakaian bahan baku dan utilitas selama garansi test dengan beben penuh.

a.    Kapasitas Produksi
Pabrik Urea ini mempunyai garansi kapasitas produksi 1725 Ton urea granule per hari.

b.    Kwalitas produksi pada waktu pabrik beroperasi dengan beban penuh :
-   Kadar Nitrogen                               46,0 % berat, minimum
-   Kadar air                                 0,3 % berat, maksimum
-   Kadar Biuret                                   0,9 % berat maksimum
-   Kadar besi                                       1 ppm, maksimum
-   Ammonia bebas                              150 ppm, maksimum
-   Abu                                         15 ppm, maksimum
-   Ukuran butiran (2 ~ 4 mm)         90 % berat, minimum.
-   Crushing strength                          2,5 kg min untuk 2,8 mm diameter
-   Temperature                                    50oC maks

c.    Pemakaian Bahan Baku dan Bahan Pembantu
Pemakaian bahan baku dan bahan pembantu pada waktu pabrik beroperasi dengan beban penuh :
-   Carbon dioksida (100% basis)                0,736 metric Tons / Ton Urea
-   Ammonia Cair                                0,566 metric Tons / Ton Urea
-         Steam
SH Steam (42 kg/cm2G, 3800C)           0,97 Metric Tons /Ton Urea
SL Steam (3,5 kg/cm2G, 3020C)          0,30 Metric Tons /Ton Urea
-   Listrik                                             38 KWH / Ton Urea                   
-   Cooling water sirkulasi                  93 M3 / Ton Urea
-   Condensate return                          80 % dari total pemakaian steam.
-  Formaldehyde                         0,005 Metric Tons /Ton Urea


Kamis, 14 April 2011

urea resume


Urea or carbamide is an organic compound with the chemical formula (NH2)2CO. The molecule has two amine (-NH2) groups joined by a carbonyl (C=O) functional group. Urea serves an important role in the metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds by animals and is the main nitrogen-containing substance in the urine of mammals. It is solid, colourless, and odorless (although the ammonia which it gives off in the presence of water, including water vapor in the air, has a strong odor). It is highly soluble in water and non-toxic. Dissolved in water it is neither acidic nor alkaline. The body uses it in many processes, most notably nitrogen excretion. Urea is widely used in fertilizers as a convenient source of nitrogen. Urea is also an important raw material for the chemical industry. The synthesis of this organic compound by Friedrich Wöhler in 1828 from an inorganic precursor was an important milestone in the development of organic chemistry, as it showed for the first time that a molecule found in living organisms could be synthesized in the lab without ...

Industrial methods

For use in industry, urea is produced from synthetic ammonia and carbon dioxide. Large quantities of carbon dioxide are produced during the manufacture of ammonia from coal or from hydrocarbons such as natural gas and petroleum-derived raw materials. Such point sources of CO2 facilitate direct synthesis of urea.
The basic process, developed in 1922, is also called the Bosch-Meiser urea process after its discoverers. The various urea processes are characterized by the conditions under which urea formation takes place and the way in which unconverted reactants are further processed. The process consists of two main equilibrium reactions, with incomplete conversion of the reactants. The first is an exothermic reaction of liquid ammonia with dry ice to form ammonium carbamate (H2N-COONH4):
2 NH3 + CO2 ↔ H2N-COONH4 ()
The second is an endothermic decomposition of ammonium carbamate into urea and water:
H2N-COONH4 ↔ (NH2)2CO + H2O
Both reactions combined are exothermic.
Unconverted reactants can be used for the manufacture of other products, for example ammonium nitrate or sulfate, or they can be recycled for complete conversion to urea in a total-recycle process.
Urea can be produced as prills, granules, pellets, crystals, and solutions. Solid urea is marketed as prills or granules. The advantage of prills is that, in general, they can be produced more cheaply than granules. Properties such as impact strength, crushing strength, and free-flowing behaviour are, in particular, important in product handling, storage, and bulk transportation.
Typical impurities in the production are biuret and isocyanic acid:
The biuret content is a serious concern because it is often toxic to the very plants that are to be fertilized. Urea is classified on the basis of its biuret content.

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

urea history


Urea or carbamide is an organic compound with the chemical formula (NH2)2CO. The molecule has two amine (-NH2) groups joined by a carbonyl (C=O) functional group. Urea serves an important role in the metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds by animals and is the main nitrogen-containing substance in the urine of mammals. It is solid, colourless, and odorless (although the ammonia which it gives off in the presence of water, including water vapor in the air, has a strong odor). It is highly soluble in water and non-toxic. Dissolved in water it is neither acidic nor alkaline. The body uses it in many processes, most notably nitrogen excretion. Urea is widely used in fertilizers as a convenient source of nitrogen. Urea is also an important raw material for the chemical industry. The synthesis of this organic compound by Friedrich Wöhler in 1828 from an inorganic precursor was an important milestone in the development of organic chemistry, as it showed for the first time that a molecule found in living organisms could be synthesized in the lab without ...

Industrial methods

For use in industry, urea is produced from synthetic ammonia and carbon dioxide. Large quantities of carbon dioxide are produced during the manufacture of ammonia from coal or from hydrocarbons such as natural gas and petroleum-derived raw materials. Such point sources of CO2 facilitate direct synthesis of urea.
The basic process, developed in 1922, is also called the Bosch-Meiser urea process after its discoverers. The various urea processes are characterized by the conditions under which urea formation takes place and the way in which unconverted reactants are further processed. The process consists of two main equilibrium reactions, with incomplete conversion of the reactants. The first is an exothermic reaction of liquid ammonia with dry ice to form ammonium carbamate (H2N-COONH4):
2 NH3 + CO2 ↔ H2N-COONH4 ()
The second is an endothermic decomposition of ammonium carbamate into urea and water:
H2N-COONH4 ↔ (NH2)2CO + H2O
Both reactions combined are exothermic.
Unconverted reactants can be used for the manufacture of other products, for example ammonium nitrate or sulfate, or they can be recycled for complete conversion to urea in a total-recycle process.
Urea can be produced as prills, granules, pellets, crystals, and solutions. Solid urea is marketed as prills or granules. The advantage of prills is that, in general, they can be produced more cheaply than granules. Properties such as impact strength, crushing strength, and free-flowing behaviour are, in particular, important in product handling, storage, and bulk transportation.
Typical impurities in the production are biuret and isocyanic acid:
The biuret content is a serious concern because it is often toxic to the very plants that are to be fertilized. Urea is classified on the basis of its biuret content.

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011


nah buat sobat team semua ne ye,, granule team bakalan nge bahas sepintas mengenai urea,,,
begini cerita nya: hehehe........
Pada dasarnya urea adalah senyawa amida dari asam karbamat (saran ne ya buat sobat team''jangan di rasa kaloe pakee lidah ye, hehehe.bisa gatel lidah nya).rumus molekul nya NH2CONH2.

 nah buat sobat team yang penasaran ne ye,, silah kan menghubungi "cek gu alias cek google.. hehehehe

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

urea granule.

Apa sich urea granule itu??

Nah buat sobat team semua ne ye, urea granule itu adalah salah satu bahan kimia yang dapat menyuburkan tanaman<<<< teori nya sih gitu...... hehehe

Pada dasar nya urea itu di buat dengan mereaksikan amoniak dan karbon dioksida...(buat para sobat team yang penasaran ne,, silahkan berkunjung ke pabrik pembuatan nya,heeheehee) 
ntu contoh barang nye, biar agak sedikit penasaran